Sunday, June 11, 2006


Rocket scientist I am not; it only took me two weeks to figure out why my laptop didn't want to talk to the local cable feed. I plead heat exhaustion. Yes, Hawaii is Paradise; who needs to be able to think clearly in Paradise where everything is easy at hand?

The world spins by in all its angst, but do I care? Not I? I am in a world of my own, clearly out of touch, both here and there. You may call me a here-and-thereian, but the truth of the matter is that I am neither here nor there. If this makes no sense, then welcome to my world.

I hear Canada has survived a terrorist threat. Indonesia has survived a devastating tsunami and volcanic eruptions? Okay, not everyone survived - and that's sad, or would seem more so were I not so overwhelmed by torpor.

The Mavs and Heat are two first-timers in the NBA playoffs, though each has warriors already ringed. Do I care? Not since I have no access to a television, much as I have enjoyed the occasional glimpses I have caught.

There was a fierce soccer battle between Sweden and Trinidad? I wish I might have seen more, for it seemed to be a battle of titans. Ah well...

Now, at last, I have figured out how to sustain my Internet access for more than a few paltry moments, and what am I doing? Squandering valuable time recounting banal trivia even I do not care much about. Ah well...

This heat!

Hm... maybe I should turn on the fan in my room...

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Missing My Boyz

3 June 2006

Four nights have passed since I last saw my Boyz. I wonder if they miss me. How does one concentrate when far from home? Just do the job as expeditiously and efficiently as possible, I guess, and quit wasting time online... ;->

Lewis Carroll said that the "sun was shining on the sea, shining with all her might," and that's just what she's doing, though how a neuter object often referred to in the masculine picked up a feminine pronoun is beyond me, I'm sure... It's blazing hot here, crisping my skin and certainly causing physiological reactions that will displease my general practitioner if she ever gets wind of it.

Wind: I wouldn't mind more wind right now. A good trade wind is just what we need, and what we don't seem to be able to sustain, thanks to the concrete blockage everywhere here. The wind was kicking up back in the Bay Area as I was leaving, bad stuff for the incipient fire season, but just what would really benefit these subtropical islands right about now. Auwe!

Of course, if my Boyz were here, we wouldn't be cuddling; we'd be looking for and fighting over shade. Still, I miss them very much. (There, I've circled back to my starting point, for what it's worth.)