Sunday, December 31, 2006


So we're closing out this 2006 with some notable deaths: Gerald Ford, James Brown, and Saddam Hussein. It's unfortunate that they are all names that seem to be more a part of yesterday's news than current events, though perhaps that is a better way to go - when one's most notable moments have had a chance to play out in full. I have to think it's more fitting for such a list at the end of the year than as a beginning, as has too often been the case.

Morbid? Who, me? I look upon this past year and see personal and public tragedies that have thrown me off my stride more than once, so I cannot say farewell to this year with too much regret. I can only look forward to 2007 with optimism - may HP7 be released in this coming year, may Eldest prove a better film than Eragon, may those who are currently snowbound find the coming year more passable and fair.